Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

Halloween was great again this year. We had the kids party at preschool. As always it was fabulous. Mrs Simon is such a wonderful teacher; I hope she knows that!!! We went home and played in the leaves all afternoon (I will put pictures of that up tomorrow). After that, we went to my mom's. We like to get the most bang for our buck, she has lots of houses close together. Anyways, we had dinner and got ready to go with of course, our annual family photo session. I know how silly, but this is the only time I am guaranteed a picture of the six kids I love most in the world all together. They are all growing up so fast, I know these pictures are limited. This year Ashley, Kyle, and Grandma came trick or treating with us. Ashley enjoyed it very much. She was more interested in eating the candy herself versus putting the candy in the bag, which slowed us down a little. Jimmy especially liked the sucker in his hair! Isaac started out strong and ended up going home early with Grandma. Alli was the highlight of my evening. She did WONDERFUL!!! She told everyone trick or treat, thank you, and Happy Halloween!!! After the first house, she got it. She informed Jimmy that she was going to get more candy than anyone and she did!! She had no problem running from house to house. Of course, she is her father's daughter and could not run through the yard. Let it be known that yes, my children play in the grass at our house, Jimmy just believes that if there is a sidewalk people should use it...out of respect...of course, he is also the one that says "if a lawn is put in right, you can do basically anything you want to it and nothing should happen to it." Does everyone get this Camp Chaos thing now? We are five DIFFERENT people living in one house trying, oh are we trying!!! Like I said before, they drive me crazy, but what would Halloween be with out Wolverine, Sleeping Beauty, and Thing 1 (Tinkerbell)?


jennie said...

You guys are so freakin'cute! I have the same Lawn rules as Jimmy. thats so funny!

debcollins said...

Cute Halloween pictures. However, I agree with the respect for others lawn, I teach kids the same thing...but it's Halloween and there is only two houres to get the candy...