Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thanks Kurt!

I have to tell Kurt thanks for such an AWESOME job on Isaac's batman wall decor. Classic, Isaac found a batman bedding set in Pottery Barn that he had to have. I thought I could get him the pillow case with the batman signal and call it good. Upon further looking, I notice the "Gotham City" buildings on the wall. Simple buildings BUT CRAZY PRICED!!! I thought, Kurt can make these...cheaper and better!!! I asked for his help (side note, Kurt is awesome...he has designed Jimmy's and Northland's logos). He informed me that he had a connection at Pottery Barn and I could get it for 40% off. YEAH!!! I told Isaac we were getting it and the city.
All was well until Kurt informed me the girl had been fired. Great! Now I have to buy it at full price! It is cute...crazy priced...but so Isaac. Kurt got busy doing his "real job" graphic arts/design/race car design ect, so I let it go. Jimmy came home this weekend with it done. We hung it yesterday. LOVE IT!!!! The original design was just buildings. Kurt's has smaller building but a 5 ft batman signal and to a 5 year is all about the batman signal!!! I will have to take a photo of the finshed room to show how cool it all looks together. LOVE IT!!!! Thanks again Kurt. The picture does not do it justice, the buildings go down the full 14 foot wall. It is just too cool!!!
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jennie said...

Oh My Gosh...that is seriously cool. Is it like giant stickers? he has the coolest boy room ever!(and that is no easy feat...I know from experience!)
You are lucky to have the connections!
BTW- thank you for your comment, it made me feel so good! :)

Jodi said...
