Monday, August 11, 2008

My Loves


I just LOVE these three kids. I have these moments when I really enjoy them, really enjoy being their mom, really enjoy taking the time to just love them for who they are. I wish I could take that "breath" more often. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't. I have learned to "treasure" when I can and try to move quickly past when I can't. I think this whole kindergarten thing is making me take my moment to enjoy them. I am having a really hard time "giving them up". I love to be in control and someone else having my control is hard for me. Again, Kristin and all of her issues. Anyway, I am learning to accept them (my issues) and try to learn from them and enjoy the time/control I have left!!!


All four of my babies! It would not be complete (well, technically it would not be complete will out all six of my babies...Caleb and Andrew were with Pat and Jen) without Ashley's twin (as she so lovingly refers to him as)!
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Kelley said...

You are a wonderful Mom and it shows in every picture how happy your little angels are.

Shelly said...

It is by far the hardest when you have to let your kids grow up. I am struggling with the same thing. Its hard to just hand your kids over to a teacher and say here you go. But remember every parent must face this at some point we can't keep them babies forever. They will do fine, and they will have so much fun. Remember way back when Tyler first started school, I was devastated. I had no clue what to do with myself, you were there to reassure me as I will be there for you.

jennie said...

Ya know, it really hasn't gone away for me. I am dreading sending Summer back to school. I feel like my infulence is not always the strongest in her life when she's in school. But I am sure you are aware of the positives of school too. They grow so much there(phsysically and mentally). The next year is gonna blow your mind!