Friday, December 3, 2010

Kaos Motorsports

Sending a lot of love and hopes of success to Kaos Motorsports as they attempt Snowball Derby again this year in Florida. Yes, Florida. Very jealous, but it makes me feel a little better that it is in the 40's. Wish I could see Kelley but she is still HOURS away from Jimmy. Last year they did not farewell when John forgot to turn in his first lap. Anyone who knows anything about racing will know that you MUST turn to go around the track!!!! When you don't you hit the wall. NOT GOOD:)!!!
With back to back championships under their CRA belt, I feel this year is going to be GREAT!!

Nothing better than this on the finish line!! Well, John may feel different.
(yes, that would be Rebecca at the races...all American Girl dolls go to races, right? Maybe that will the next girl of the year...Racing Reagan!)

Good luck Jimmy and John!!


Jodi said...

anyone who DOESN"T know about racing should still know you have to turn to stay on the track!

cannot comment on rebecca because i cannot see the pics. :(

jennie said...

I am not sure Nascar American Girl would go over very well, but it could get me more interested in racing!

Jodi said...

still cannot see the first pics, but the last one is a treasure...looks like part of a commercial. or commentary. a flashback. nice pic and niiice photo editing!