My baby girl is 5!!! I can hardly believe the words I type. My baby girl is more than just my baby...she is beyond words. Anyone who knows Ashley knows exactly what I am talking about. She has an opinion and is not afraid to share it, to believe it, to not change it. She is my baby that was "never going to happen". Maybe that is why she acts the way she does. She is against all odds baby, instead on winning the lotto, I got Ash and I am so happy I did. She will guarantee to drive me CRAZY everyday, but is also the one I guarantee makes me smile!! Happy Birthday my Ash a Ley!!!!

Some random pictures of our "party", just a small little something with Jodi's family and my parents. Andrew could not make it, but we thought of him often:)!!

Ash wanted a picture of her and Chevy!!

We are the hostess with the mostess at Camp Chaos, we, I should say Isaac even offered "arm painting" as a party option.

Allison was in charge of "decorations". I 100% LOVE the Ashley sign, it will be saved forever!! Fantastic!!!

Ashley and her Ashley doll (her name is Ashley until she thinks of a name she likes more!). Side note, not sure I was really wanting to get the girls American girls dolls, so glad I did, them love them!!! Notice the matching pj's?? Ash had to change her and her doll's clothes before we could do anything else!!!

Not sure why this one is at the end, but he in concentrating so hard (notice the tongue). He just wanted everyone to have a good time. Thanks Mom for being a good sport and letting him paint your arm, you too Kyle. In case you were wondering, faces scare me a little with "white kids" I would rather have their arms break out than their faces:)!!!
Happy Birthday my favorite 5 year old, who now feels so old, "like a mom"!!!