OK, let me first say, my mom raised me right, I am not one to call people stupid. BUT there are times when stupid is actually a really nice word to use for these people. About three weeks ago, I get a phone call from my husband telling me that someone has used his Great Lakes Salt Co debt card to the tune of $3000. What??? He assures me that he never had the debt card and the money would be put back in the account. The fraud department at Fifth Third and the Michigan State Police were on it. It must have been mail fraud. Throughout the day, my husband realized that he indeed did have the card (at one time) and that someone stole it out of his safe at work. Keep in mind, this safe is under his desk, so to get to it, you basically have to climb under his desk. If the door is not pushed in all the way, it does not lock...in case you were wondering:)! Even better.....not!!! How do you go to work everyday with people you do not trust. Even better news the bill was up to $18,000 and because it was in his possession, it was not longer a State Police matter, he would have to start all over with Wyoming City Police. Fast forward about 3 weeks and the police finally did something. In their defense, it takes awhile to get camera footage and go through it, but come one!!! We open the mail to see an actual list of the spending habits of the thief, where they shopped, how often, and what they spent. Let me just say, I thought I was going to puke!!! In 18 days, these people managed to spend $30,355.13!!! ALL ATM with drawls and debt card purchases, which means no credit card protection. The first day alone, they used it at 8 ATM's for over $1500. At this point, I believe Fifth Third should have noticed. Jimmy has had this account for a year and wrote 4 checks...TOTAL!!! On one day they shopped at the same Meijers 8 times and another Meijers 6 times for over $3000. Honestly, STUPID PEOPLE!!!! Good news, a lot of these places have video!!! Sam's Club takes a pictures of EVERYONE that uses a credit/debt card.
Well, come to find out it was actually a guy and his girl friend from the cleaning company. He worked for the cleaning service one whole day!!! Nice!! The owner of the cleaning company identified the people and the police gave them a call. The girl came in right away, signed a confession and turned on the boyfriend. The boyfriend, who obviously is not smart and may I say VERY STUPID, has not come in. So now a warrant for his arrest has been made and we will have to see what happens. Fifth Third has put the money back into the account...for now. The owner of the company who would have had coverages to cover this under his insurance policy (that he gave a copy of to my husband...good thing when your wife is your insurance agent!), but no, he let his insurance lapse...again with the stupid people. Sorry!!! We did nothing wrong, and I will NOT be out $30, 355.13. And the story continues...
Stupid people take two! We get a call from Allison's soccer coach last weekend telling us when soccer is going to start and such and Jimmy mentions something about Isaac and the coach nicely says "I don't have Isaac on my team". What? The coach gives out the number to S, who runs the program and suggest he talk to her. Jimmy calls her and they have a discussion. She asks him if we asked for a "special arrangement to be made". Jimmy says no that they are twins, same age, same house, same check for payment that was all stapled together. Their policy has ALWAYS been to keep siblings on the same team, I would say twins are siblings!! Now let me back up and say that having twins, especially boy girl twins tends to lead to a lot of questions...stupid ones most of the time. People have a hard time wrapping their brains around boy/ girl twins, they really think they need to be the same sex and 90% of people assume they are boy twins. Not sure why that is. It has gotten a lot better the older they get, which is probably why this bothered us so much. Prior to this question, the absolute stupidest question we have been asked is "Are they identical?" One is a boy and one is a girl, albeit a small difference, but at the same time, a very major difference in "identicalness". So the lady precede to tell my husband that they do not make special arrangements for families and Jimmy says "you just asked me if I did and besides, they are twins, they should be together, they are twins!" Her response "Do they have the same last name?" OK, I will not tell you Jimmy's response, let's just say, that was a VERY STUPID QUESTION!!!! She ended the conversation with there was nothing they could do, they do not make exceptions and twins are not on the same team. Jimmy wanted his money back and she told him it was non-refundable. Three days later, she called back sweet as pie telling me everything was taken care of and there were no problems and they are on the same team. Can you say bipolar???? Oh well, at least I am not running two kids to different practices alone. This is Jimmy's busy season...we don't see much of him:(!
One last STUPID thing, this time it is not a person or question, but a bird (s). If you remember last year, I had a bird make a nest in my hanging baskets on the porch. I take it to heart...having to protect the mama and her babies. I take it personally that she felt she could be a good mama at my house. I know, I am crazy, it is nothing new to hear...my sister and husband have been reminding me all weekend. So Saturday morning, I hear this noise on at my door and see two birds flying around. Those STUPID birds decided to make a nest in the wreath hanging on my front GLASS door. Again, I will remind these birds of the three chaos children, the golden retriever BIRD dog, and the cat. Honestly!!
Well, come to find out it was actually a guy and his girl friend from the cleaning company. He worked for the cleaning service one whole day!!! Nice!! The owner of the cleaning company identified the people and the police gave them a call. The girl came in right away, signed a confession and turned on the boyfriend. The boyfriend, who obviously is not smart and may I say VERY STUPID, has not come in. So now a warrant for his arrest has been made and we will have to see what happens. Fifth Third has put the money back into the account...for now. The owner of the company who would have had coverages to cover this under his insurance policy (that he gave a copy of to my husband...good thing when your wife is your insurance agent!), but no, he let his insurance lapse...again with the stupid people. Sorry!!! We did nothing wrong, and I will NOT be out $30, 355.13. And the story continues...
Stupid people take two! We get a call from Allison's soccer coach last weekend telling us when soccer is going to start and such and Jimmy mentions something about Isaac and the coach nicely says "I don't have Isaac on my team". What? The coach gives out the number to S, who runs the program and suggest he talk to her. Jimmy calls her and they have a discussion. She asks him if we asked for a "special arrangement to be made". Jimmy says no that they are twins, same age, same house, same check for payment that was all stapled together. Their policy has ALWAYS been to keep siblings on the same team, I would say twins are siblings!! Now let me back up and say that having twins, especially boy girl twins tends to lead to a lot of questions...stupid ones most of the time. People have a hard time wrapping their brains around boy/ girl twins, they really think they need to be the same sex and 90% of people assume they are boy twins. Not sure why that is. It has gotten a lot better the older they get, which is probably why this bothered us so much. Prior to this question, the absolute stupidest question we have been asked is "Are they identical?" One is a boy and one is a girl, albeit a small difference, but at the same time, a very major difference in "identicalness". So the lady precede to tell my husband that they do not make special arrangements for families and Jimmy says "you just asked me if I did and besides, they are twins, they should be together, they are twins!" Her response "Do they have the same last name?" OK, I will not tell you Jimmy's response, let's just say, that was a VERY STUPID QUESTION!!!! She ended the conversation with there was nothing they could do, they do not make exceptions and twins are not on the same team. Jimmy wanted his money back and she told him it was non-refundable. Three days later, she called back sweet as pie telling me everything was taken care of and there were no problems and they are on the same team. Can you say bipolar???? Oh well, at least I am not running two kids to different practices alone. This is Jimmy's busy season...we don't see much of him:(!
One last STUPID thing, this time it is not a person or question, but a bird (s). If you remember last year, I had a bird make a nest in my hanging baskets on the porch. I take it to heart...having to protect the mama and her babies. I take it personally that she felt she could be a good mama at my house. I know, I am crazy, it is nothing new to hear...my sister and husband have been reminding me all weekend. So Saturday morning, I hear this noise on at my door and see two birds flying around. Those STUPID birds decided to make a nest in the wreath hanging on my front GLASS door. Again, I will remind these birds of the three chaos children, the golden retriever BIRD dog, and the cat. Honestly!!

The science lesson in the making. My husband had to be in Ohio this weekend while all of this was going on. My dad told me just to move the wreath and problem solved. BUT, I could not do that, they had been working all day on it. Jimmy came home and told the kids they were not allowed to use the front door for a few weeks. Love that man:)!!!!!!
Stupid people indeed! I was so glad when you told me they caught those stupid people who stole your money! I can't believe people actually think they can get away with this kind of stuff. DUMB!
The lightbulb finally went on with all the soccer people...those must be Whitehall's finest! Seems like everything is getting better and better!
Only you, my dear.
Its all insane, but the soccer morons? give me a freakin break.
They could be on Summer's team. So far only 3 kids have shown up for pratice. Awesome!
oh. my. god.
I am stunned.
Actually, I am not re: the amount of stupid people but oy vey!
my head is spinning from just reading the story.. I cannot imagine living it for the last few weeks. I am so glad that you have the authorities on it...
since when was it a huge deal having siblings on the team? Man, you have had your hands full! and then the cute birdies to top it off... you are such a good sport!
How nice...you didn't mention this STUPID person coming in through your front door.
You also forgot to mention that STUPID S gave MY number out to the coach {your emergency contact info}and then she used that same number {mine} to call you herself! STUPID! I agree.
Wow thats all I can say, so glad to hear that they got all the soccer confusion taken care of.
Wow! The world would be such a calmer place without stupid people. The really sad thing is that stupid people are allowed to reproduce at well, and trust me, they never, ever have trouble getting pregnant! I was saying to Pat last nite, how unfair it is that so many wonderful people have to go through so much just to have a baby when stupid people seem to get knocked up by just looking at eachother! So not fair. Happy bday to Ash today and to Alli and Isaac earlier this month. We've been in our own little cocoon down here with more on our plate that we can handle (including Mason turning 3!), but we were thinking about all of you and missing you! Hugs, C
oh my! You've certainly had your hands full! I can't believe how people can do things like that!
oh my! You've certainly had your hands full! I can't believe how people can do things like that!
I had no idea that you had gone through all this craziness. I am so sorry. I am glad that things fell into place and everything is okay now. WOW
We will have to have an extra drink on Friday.
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