With a little peer pressure from her 3 year old cousin, Allison learned to ride a bike on Easter. Isaac has been riding a 2-wheeler for a few years now, but Allison, she is another story. It took Jimmy holding on to the back of the bike while she got on and that is about it. She took off...crying the whole time. She didn't need Jimmy, she was doing it ALL on her own, but continued to cry that she was scared. CRAZY girl...issues...kind of like her mom:)! Needless to say, she did it and we could not be more proud. Ashley thinks she is going to do it this weekend...we will see!!!

Way to go BIG girl!!!!
This is super exciting! Way to go Allison!
too cute.
isnt blogging great? I love that you will alway be able to see when she finally was able to do it on her own. Not usually the kind of thing we write in the baby books, ya know?
Hey, where is her helmet?
She does wear a helmet. To be honest, neither one of us actually thought she would do it. I know, not the great supportive parents you thought we were?!?! She wears one now...a pink paisley one to be exact!!!
Yaaaaaay, go Alli, go!
Way to go Allison, I kinda have a feeling that the lil red head wont be far behind I know first hand how stubborn she can be and once she puts her mind to something "look out". Maybe Alli will inspire Haliey too :)
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