Friday, February 8, 2008


Ok, to back track a bit, I have had a rough couple of days. First Jimmy was sick for 3 weeks, yes 3 weeks. As most of you know, when a boy gets sick the world is coming to an end as they know it, thus he was worthless to me. He spent his days lying on the couch..."trying to feel better". After that, 2 out of 3 kids got the flu and I got a cold that has not yet left me. We also got snow and snow and SNOW!!!! That translates into my husband being extremely busy...working way to much...and again not really being there to help. I know there are plently of people out there who's husbands work a lot and they manage to work and have three kids, but when I wasn't feeling well, these days seem to drag on and on and my patience seemed to get thinner and thinner!!! All I wanted to do was come home and take a nap. If I could just do that, I would have felt so much better...but no such luck!!!

This leads me to Saturday. My husband is yet again working and decides to have three of his employees come over to our house, "to see the place." Granted, this should not be a big deal, but with the prior paragraph, you realize that my house was not in "tip to shape", nor my children or myself, but we managed to make it somewhat presentable. Jimmy goes to his 5 hour meeting and I attempt to rest. That is when I hear a loud noise. I go upstairs to see Brady on the table. Not his paws, his whole 45 pound body STANDING on my table, trying as fast as he can to lick up my large glass of coke that he spilt. Side note, I NEED coke to get through my day...I am totally addicted!!! This is the last glass of coke in the house!!! I begin to cry. Yes, cry! My head is killing me, I just want to rest. The dog is driving me crazy and now I am cleaning up my last bit of coke off the floor and chair. Did I mention, I no longer have coke to drink?! The tears just started coming!!!

That is when my darling son comes up to me and says the lady on the phone wants to talk to you. I look down and see
911. I take the phone and say hello, there is a nice lady on the other end wanting to make sure everything is ok. I tell her yes and ap0logize that my son has learned to call 911 in preschool. She understood and told me to have a nice day.

That is when I had to take a moment...still crying and now think, I was just crying before not yelling at the dog, right? I do not want to see the cops show up and take my kids!! Not to worry, I was actually somewhat calm this time. Yeah!

I asked Isaac why he call 911 without an emergency to which he responds "the lady told me there was an emergency". Hence the lady aswering the phone "911 emergency". I ask him exactly what was said. Isaac responded "She told me it was an emergency, I said hi and she asked to speak to my mom. I told her I would look for you, but I couldn't find you. I thought you were in your scrapbook room, but you were not there". At this point in time, I know they ae sending someone out to make sure everything is ok. He then tells me "I heard you on the the stairs and told the lady you were back and gave you the
phone". Nice!!! Is there a fee for this???

Good news, there were no cops and the kids are still with me! And yes, we did have a talk with Isaac about ONLY calling 911 when there is actually an emergency. Hopefully, he gets it:)!

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Jodi said...

I cannot stop laughing! When I first told Keith, he said it does happen a lot, but they are usually still required to send someone out. You must've gotten a very nice lady because he also said they usually see no humor in those situations! No harm long as Isaac doesn't burn your house down to warrant another phone call!!! :)

norma said...

Only Isaac!! I love it! Give him a hug from me!! You can always count on him in an emergency!!!

Not your Happily Ever After said...

It's refreshing to see that another mother goes through some of those Trying days too. The whole dog thing made me laugh.


Shelly said...

you never told me about this!!! this is way to funny and soo soo very Isaac.