Saturday was Allison's first cheer leading game. The weather was horrible to say the least, but all and all she did fantastic. There was a
small moment were I had my doubts; sometime during the 3rd quarter she tripped over her own foot caught herself on her hands and cried. Cried so hard that the announcer had the crowd clap for her when she stopped crying only to have her cry harder and few minutes later. She is 100% her mother...she was not ready to not be sad so the tears began...until her crazy mother went on the track and threatened her to knock it off or she was going to be in trouble. A cheer later and all was well. She did GREAT the rest of the game.
I have to give big kudos to both Janet and Kelly (the coaches); they are great! The girls even did a dance. Allison has been practicing at home and at Shelly's (a big thanks to Kenzie too!). She was ready, not to mention, the cutest thing I have ever seen. Hannah
ain't got nothing on Allison TenBrink!!

Allison and her best friend Kenzie!!!

My baby girl...the BIG girl cheerleader!!!
Oh how she is growning up. She is beautiful. I am glad that stopped crying and for some reason I can see you on the field telling her to knock it off. Miss you.
dang cute! love that keith wondered if alli was the only one wearing a cowgirl, yeah, about that...
Agreed... waaaay cuter than Hannah Montana! And the dance rocked!
This girl is her mother:)
But that is not a negative thing!
I have really enjoyed her cheers and dances.
The cheerleading gene is running full force in Ali!!
so cute, Kristin! :)
What an adorable cheerleader!!
Cute post..and for some reason, it really brought tears to my eyes!! Maybe it's me missing out on the "girly" things life brings..I don't know.
Thanks for sharing! She looks dang adorable and like she had a great time!
She did so good at the game, I must say I really enjoy watching her and Kenzie practice their dance.
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