OK, big catch up for the past few days. On Thursday we went to the new Great Lakes Salt Company. I like Jimmy having a business that is actually close enough for us to get and "check on him". Building was a little scary, but it is cheap and services it's purpose.

Ash driving the machine equipment around. Such a girl:).
We have been busy. With all the snow and ice we have got, Jimmy has been crazy busy at work. We REALLY like snow..."pennies from heaven" in the words of Jimmy!! This weekend with ice, it actually got upgraded to "nickles from heaven"!
I have no idea what we did on Friday. I know we did something, but could not tell you what it was.
Saturday was Isaac's first indoor soccer game. BEYOND FABULOUS!!! He played hard, hustled, did 2 headers and scored a goal. I love watching that kid play soccer. To see him play hard with that gigantic smile on his face is priceless!! Did a little Christmas shopping and worked on the basement. And of course, went sledding!!!
Sunday was another day to Muskegon to get everything we needed to "start" to "finish" the basement. There is just something very wrong with 5 people in 1300 square feet. The extra 1300 would REALLY come in handy!!! We did manage to get 3 rooms painted and the closet. Not bad!!! Took the kids to lunch and got hot chocolate at Target...that is the Christmas thing we did :)! I also bought National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I remember watching that as a kid and thought it would be OK. I popped it into the DVD player and was driving down the road listening and ended up popping back out...not what I remember:)!!!