Sunday, June 8, 2008

True Beauty

Our backyard is not lookin' so good these days. Well, let me back up, it has not looked good for several years now. There is a lot of shade, a dog, three kids, a trampoline...all mixed together makes for a "bad" back yard with sparse grass. I decided this year I wanted to have a nice yard again. So much so that we still have not put up the tramp! Jimmy put seed down, I guess (at least what Jimmy tells me) Kentucky blue grass takes a month to germinate. We now have baby "grasslets" (as I lovingly refer to them as:)). They are taking a LONG time to come in! So on to the story, I was getting out of the shower this morning when I hear the outside faucet turn on and then off. A few minutes later I hear it again. For the record, the kids are not suppose to play with the water outside! It was odd that is kept turning on and off. Isaac and Ashley are the ones who like to play in it and they just leave it run when they are done. I went out to yell at whoever when I saw Alli filling the water jug with water, walking it over to the "grasslets" and watering them, and back over to the faucet. Her responce, " I just got finished watering your flowers, now I am going to water Dad's grass to make sure it grows...just like he wants!"
Her outfit (her FAVORITE princess purple nightgown), her rainboots, and her heart...that is TRUE BEAUTY!!!!
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Mandy said...

How precious!! She sure does look A LOT like her Mommy!!!

jennie said...

What an angel! I think if that watering can were full, it would outweigh her! And the boots rock!

Shelly said...

This is so Alli, I love that heart of hers.