It was our annual Schmieding Christmas party on Sunday. As always, I had a wonderful time talking and Jimmy always has a great time watching the kids...not! We tend to argue all the way home about how I was oblivious to my children and too busy talking. What? Kristin talk to much? Never!!!!
Here are some random photos of the day. The first few are my mom and "her boys". You know the boys she never had, but always wanted. Maybe Keith, but Jimmy...he is too much of a boy for her!

Yes, those would be Jimmy's fingers behind "
the dancing with the stars duo". That's for you Keith!!!

This is such a "real" picture of these two
lovebirds. Keith being Keith and Jodi getting annoyed by this...

Jodi and Prince Charming #1. Such a handsome boy!!!

A "great" photo my Dad took for me. His word, not mine. We will have to work on his "abilities".

Me and my most favorite mom in the whole wide world. My so many more ways than mom!!!
Allison and Ashley with their "new" friend Gabby.
The whole family! I LOVE this picture. Everyone is in it...SMILING!!! Do you know how hard it is to have 12 people smiling? Thanks for being my family!!!
James and his baby girl. She loves her daddy so much!
The family photo taken in a supply closet...thanks Jodi! Nothing a little photoshop can't fix!
Dude, what a I start with the meatballs not being turned on or how about the pee pants thing? Oh wait, should it be Keith locking my keys in the car? Maybe I should start earlier with the church incidents! Andrew looks silly with his shirt untucked. Both his tie and his pants were too short...
Sometimes you have to think out of the box...and inside the closet! :)
All the pictures are great! I am LOVIN' your photoshop abilities! Great Job! Keep up with the excellent picture taking. I missed your posts the last week!!!
wonderful family pictures Kristin, looks like you all had a great time!
What did your girls do to their "new" friend Gabby? she didn't look to happy!!! and your pictures are so FUNNY!!! LOVE IT!
and I do know how hard it is to get 12 people to SMILE at the same least you had half of them adults...try getting 7 kids, 1 toddler and 2 babies plus the Grandparents (just my parents) and then my sister, my husband, and my 2 sister-in-laws to all smile at the same time and look at the right family has LOTS of picture takers!!!!
What a beautiful family! your guys seriously are TOO CUTE! Happy Holidays!
Jen :)
Glad to see that the TenBrinks are out of the closet.
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