Nine months...that is how long it takes from conception to birth...all the changes that happen to a baby...completely amazing. I feel that same way with the past nine months. My kids have changed so much, I can not even describe it. Yes, they have grow physically, but the mental is just out of this world. They are such different, bigger people. I don't even have the words. I am forever grateful to both Mrs. Johnson and Ms. Terri for giving my children the best foundation I could have ever hoped for. They loved my children through the good and the bad (remember...chaos follows them everywhere they go!). I dropped two of my most favorite people off at school today as kindergartners and I will pick them up as 1st graders. It is mind boggling. I am excited about the new to come, but still can not help but be a little sad of what has been. Life doesn't get better than what it is RIGHT AT THIS EXACT MOMENT!! Right when I get "sad", I am reminded just how great older kids can be. We were at G&L for dinner on Tuesday (just me and the crazies...ALONE!!!) when Allison reads the waitresses shirt "Would you like some fries with that sh sh shake?" The lady thought it was so cute...I thought Oh my God, she just read your shirt! Just like that instantly proud and think I love this stage!!!

First day of school
Get ready for the BIG difference...OK maybe only the Mom can see it, but it is there, I promise!!
I would say they are comfortable in their class:) and themselves. What more could a mom ask for???
My eyes are burning from the tears I am fighting back so as not to have my mascara run. I know the feeling you are desribing. It is amazing. Have fun with all of this!
I am experiencing the exact same thing with CJ....Wed. will be his last day of Kindergarten and I will also be picking up a 1st grader on Wed. The emotions are really to much to bear. Isn't the reading thing just amazing! Corey and I were in absolute tears as CJ read "the Giving Tree" cover to cover to us a few weeks ago! Our jaws were on the floor and we could hardly believe that our first born was reading US a book. I feel a little sadder everyday that they grow up. We will never get these years back so I guess we just have to take a deep breath, and hold on for the ride of emotions that is parenthood! If it's this tough already I don't even want to think about what is to come! Cheer's to our little 1st graders! :)
OMG! The picture differece is AMAZING! They look much, much older... Alli is so beautiful and Isaac is just as handsome : )
all I can say is EMOTIONAL BASKETCASE lol for both of us. I cant believe they are first graders, I also cant believe that I have one in middle school. You are right this is the best time ever so enjoy!
I love it! They look so grown up from the beginning of the year -- not to mention cute and adorable.
I can't begin to imagine the flood of emotions I'll be soon experiencing. Lukas will be entering pre-school in the Fall and to me - it's mind boggling. I'm glad I have SO many wonderful resources to go to for support! HA!
I can see the difference, Especially in Allison! Kristin you have done such a great job with your crazies! Hope you have a great summer with them!!
Kristin...LOVE the new header!!! The kids are SO CUTE!!!! SO SO SO CUTE!!! LOVE IT! GREAT JOB!
sweet header!
oops, i wasn't the 'hawk! {but it's a given cuz what don't i love about that little guy?}
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