I am on my way to a few less chaos es in my life. We got the basement "emptied" out and Servpro arrived this morning. They informed me that in 3 days, I should be dry!!! Isn't that exciting?!?! Jimmy is in Kentucky this week and when he returns home...it is going to be dry...now to finish all that we tore up!!

We received this letter in the mail a few days ago. We are officially done with the identity theft issue. The perps got off scot free (another story for another day), but we for sure do not have to pay back the $30,000+ in stolen money!!!
And last but not least...the dumpster that has made his home at my house for the past few months went home to be with his family. We no longer need him looking over us. After filling this blasted thing twice...I hope NEVER to see it again at 3220 Johnson!!!
This makes me so happy to see that things are getting back to normal for you! Wait is there "normal" in your household? A dry basement, that is just so great! Need any help with anything just call!
Can't believe the perps got off scott free! What a load of crap! At least you got your money back! Can we go shopping now?? Is the spending freeze unfrozen??
I do believe this calls for a CELEBRATION!
So happy that things are slowly working out:)
Hey, thanks for the advertising! ; ) I wondered if you guys were ever going to ask to have that darn thing picked up... thought maybe you grew attached. What an awful situation, glad things are looking up! : )
THAT IS THE BEST NEWS EVER. I bet that you didn't think that the water would ever end. I am so happy for you. And what a great surprise for Jimmy.
Drinks for sure next week!!
...but that corner of your driveway and your lawn was his home...get your Lawn Husband to take care of that business, would ya? What an eyesore! :)
YEAH!!!!! So glad you can slowly rebuild your home. Look at the bright side (if there is one)... you can completely redecorate - AGAIN!! :-)
Glad the money issue is taken care of ... but WOW - jerks get off with nothing.
so glad things are looking up for you guys
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