Monday, February 2, 2009

Thankful For A Few Reason....

First, I have to clarify something that I think needs to be clarified. In a couple post back, I talked about it being Chinese New Year, which it is, but what I did not mention was that it is also Vietnamese New Year. Poor Hien was kind enough to let me use her Vietnamese traditions and I didn't even give her the proper credit. So thanks again Hien and I am sorry that I did not clarify that better. Thanks for the continued stories. I love them, I really do.
Second, in my last post about Mom's my "good-est" friend Jennie made a comment about my mom having "those" eyes and I want to say I TOTALLY agree and thanks for noticing what a great mom she is and THANK YOU EVEN MORE for thinking I have those same eyes. What a GREAT compliment, thank you!!!!
Third, thanks Mom and Dad for taking the crazies this week. I am looking forward to the lack of responsibility that I am about to have..not to mention a little sun...AND GRASS...oh, I am so excited to see grass. I think my husband is starting to wear off on me!!! Thanks for being great parents that give their daughter a break from reality and even better grandparents to love your grand kids enough to take them for a week...and entertain them every minute. That is the only bad part about going to Grandma and Poppy's, the weeks of "untraining" that WE do not do something every minute of everyday...THAT is only at Grandma's.

Last but not least a story...a little back ground...Alli is VERY dramatic...VERY!!! She gets her feelings hurt very easy and tends to cry...A LOT!!! She has been doing a little better with the crying and more with the sass...but that is not the point of this story:)! So we are in church yesterday, pastor is giving his sermon, the church is quiet...because the Chaos kids are eating cheez its, when Allison leans over to me in her non-whispering voice (for the record Allison can not whisper to save her life...middle of the night...dead quiet, sound asleep, she will come into our room screaming..."can I sleep with you?" Honestly, I don't know if it has to do with her hearing loss or what, but she can not whisper!!!) and says "My tooth just fell out (handing me her tooth), but don't worry I can still eat!" For as dramatic as she is...loosing teeth doesn't even make a blip on her radar! Gotta love the Tude!!! You have to love the "two toothless Tude" smile even more. It is fantastic!!!! Sorry I left me camera at home today so I will have to post a photo later:)!!!


jennie said...

I love how you are always doing damage control! LOL! But seriously,you are so sensitive to others feelings, and thats a wonderful thing:)
And you made me cry. I'm lucky to have you as my good-est.
Now what would it take for me to get to see green grass too?

The Lallo Family said...

So funny! Your Alli and our Maddie sound like identical twins separated at birth! I can't tell you how many times we describe Maddie as our child that CAN'T talk at normal decibels!

We asked Maddie one time (well many times) to talk softer and her reply was....."MY VOICE DON'T DO THAT"!!!
Thankfully that was a couple of years ago and she now at least replies in proper English (but just as loud)!

She is also our VERY dramatic child who cries at the drop of a hat. FUNNY! I guess we all have a lot more in common than we ever knew!

Cute story! Keep sharing!

hien k. d. said...

thanks, Kristin! but no problem, i'm glad you were celebrating Vietnamese new year with me!! :) love the story about Alli, made me laugh! how cute! :)

Shelly said...

she looks so cute with both her teeth missing..