Monday, March 30, 2009

Birthday Party x 3????

I think we are up to the third birthday party for the twins. Good news, I think we are done!!!! Uncle Jared and Aunt Kate were kind enough to drive up (over) from Detroit to spend some time with family at one of my favorite places bd's Mongolian BBQ!!! Yummy!!! After that we went to Jimmy' s work to have a look around, open presents, and have cake!!! It was a nice afternoon spent listening to three kids play their flutes (thanks Jim:)!) and hearing them scream thanks to their father chasing them around and Aunt Kate and Uncle Jared "keeping them safe"! Throw into the mix, the girls putting on their new bathing suits in a building that is 60 degrees and you have an idea of our afternoon!!! Glad everyone could make meant a lot to the kids. Thank you!!!

Aunt Kate and the girls
Uncle Jared and Aunt Kate and the crazies

Grandma TenBrink and the kids

I love this picture of Jim. He got a mohawk and it looks really good! I hope he keeps it!!! Picture does not do it justice.
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Mandy said...

Sounds like some great family bonding! Looks like the kids had a great time!

Shelly said...

I agree the Mohawk rocks!!!