Friday, March 6, 2009

How Sad....

I went to check on the kids on Tuesday night and found Ashley asleep with her soccer cleats on. She got out of bed and put them on. This in itself is not that sad, funny, but not sad. The sad part is that she doesn't get to play soccer. The rule has always been you need to be 4 by the first practice. This year they changed it to 4 by the 1st. Her birthday is the 7th and the first practice is the 13th. I called to see if they would "make an exception" and they agreed until we actually signed her up and they told me I could not. BIG BUMMER!!! We still got her cleats (she LOVES her cleats, wants to wear them ALL the time) and her very own glittery soccer ball. It is even more sad that she would have actually been pretty good. Out of the three, she by far has the most athletic ability and she is a spit fire...good combination for soccer!! I guess we will have to wait until next year to prove it!! In the mean time, Jimmy promised to be "her coach" and play with her in the front yard. I would take that any day!!!!
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JT said...

Awww, how sweet. Love the shoes- super cute!

JT said...

Oh, and real gay on that rule... seriously.

jennie said...

Stupidest rule ever. Their loss:)

Theresa said...

Up here, where the north begins, they have to be in school...I like our rule better. Too Bad for Ash! But way to step in DAD!

Also...I want to learn how to get color in your black and white photos...I don't have that program...I NEED IT!!! LOVE those pics of yours!

Mandy said...

Right with you on the stupid rule Kristin! Mike tried and got denied too! So crazy!! But I love her shoes..I need some in my size. Tell Jimmy I can add one more to his team!!!

Shelly said...

what a crazy rule, hailey wanted to play t-ball this year and she could not because you had to be 5 by a certain date.. What bummers for our girls!!