Sunday, October 26, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

Isaac taking his job very lasted about 30 seconds and Jimmy had to finish cleaning it out.

Ash cleaning out her pumpkin...she lasted MAYBE 10 seconds and Jimmy had to finish this one too. Thanks to the already rotting pumpkins, James decided these two were enough, he did not need his own.

Allison actually did a good job cleaning out her a little mad when I wanted to do it. Boy, did I pick the "right" kid to help. I carved my pumpkin earlier this afternoon to make sure I was not distracted and actually helped the kids. I tend to get rather focused...Jimmy does not appreciate this quality!

My pumpkins...all six of them!!! Yes, that is a velvet Christmas dress Ashley is wearing. You know, there comes a time when you must pick your battles. Ashley wants to wear a Christmas dress almost everyday. Why not today?!?!?!?
And yes, there is duct tape on Ashley's pumkin...per her request...I guess that is normal to her!! Don't ask...we would NEVER put duct tape on anyone's mouth who talks to much...NEVER!!!
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Jennifer Witham Buck / Graceful Expressions said...

What, no picture of your pumpkin?
i. love. your. kids.
What a great way to spend the afternoon, maybe not so fun for Jimmy but that is what dad's are for, right? All three did a great job! So cute!
At least Ashley wants to wear a dress and not a swimsuit in this freezing weather!
Duct tape - hmmm, I have heard of making duct tape prom dresses but never for use on pumpkins!

Stefanie said...

What fun! The bit about the duct tape totally cracked me up! So cute!

Jodi said...

Oh, then you must've forgotten about the picture you took of MY boys at your house with duct tape over their convenient that you forgot...

jennie said...

I think the duct tape is a nice touch. Gray is this years new neutral.
She is a true fashionista!